Calls for jail as stabbings skyrocket, NSW

August 04, 2008
Suburbs in Sydney's southwest and west have emerged as the most dangerous, with at least 26 people stabbed each week...

There were 1300 stabbings in Sydney last year and 2319 across NSW, a 38 per cent jump in just seven years...

While central Sydney is the most dangerous area, Blacktown, Fairfield and Liverpool have nearly double the stabbings of other suburbs.

There has been a 40 per cent jump in knife assaults in Fairfield and Liverpool in just 12 months.

St Vincent's Hospital's data shows the number of life-threatening stabbings tripled in the past three years...

Figures from the NSW Institute of Trauma Injury Management show a steady increase in serious injuries in the past four years, with 67 last year, up from 54 in 2004...
No spike in Sydney stabbings: Iemma
NSW Premier Morris Iemma has rejected suggestions Sydney is experiencing a spike in stabbing crimes, saying knife attacks are stable or actually down.

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