35 years on, I still fight racism - Patti Chong, WA

July 24, 2008
For more than 20 years, I have championed for a diverse magistracy and judiciary ... but all we get are the WASPCs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants/Catholics) and WECs (White European Christians)...

Possessing the qualities befitting of a member of the magistracy and judiciary are the least important factors, so it seems. I know because for 20 years I have applied for every advertised vacancy in the magistracy...

I have remained silent all these years, but by speaking out, I hope to pave the way for the future CALD lawyers coming through the profession to be recognised for who they are and not be judged on the colour of their skins.
A commenter notes:
... in the context of Dr Peter Wilkinson's book The Howard Legacy, I lose the subtle and just become entrenched...

With the prospect of an Asian elite endangering our national sovereignty, I can sense a future where Sinophobia outdoes Islamophobia in this country. In which case positions in government, judiciary and the military will be guarded as fiercely as secular Turkey guards against Islamists.
Sinophobia? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

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