Sudanese crime rate double the general SA rate

November 14, 2008
Adelaide Now
Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Burns yesterday said police were concerned by rising levels of violence in the Sudanese community. In the past 16 months, Sudanese people had been involved in 450 offences, resulting in 258 arrests. "This is double the level of offending for the population of the state," he said.

"They come from a culture which has had serious warfare, some have been child soldiers, and they don't have the conflict-resolution skills that others who have grown up in Australia have, and as a result we have seen an increase in crime."
Andrew Bolt
What? One on 16 Sudanese immigrants in Adelaide - man, woman and child - commit, on average, an offence every three months?

Was it smart to import so many people who clearly have trouble fitting in? Was it fair on those who are the victims of their crimes?
No, and there should be a senate enquiry to table all the victims of immigration, and to justify how diverse immigration can continue given the high crime rates of certain ethnicities.

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