The aim of liberalism is white dhimmitude

November 07, 2008
Lawrence Auster
A friend yesterday put into exact words what I had felt on election night and wrote about here. What is it that liberals and blacks want? What is it about the Obama advent that they are celebrating? It is not racial equality. It is black superiority. It is an America that no longer has an identity as a European-based country. It is a society in which white people, particularly white men, will be immersed everywhere in a multiracial environment in which they will be subdued, in which they will constantly defer to nonwhites, in which they can never express their own power. I would add that just as the aim of Islam is the political and spiritual subjection of non-Muslims under Islamic rule, the aim of liberalism is the political and spiritual subjection of whites under nonwhite and liberal rule.

It was this condition of demoralization and powerlessness that I momentarily glimpsed, but had not articulated as clearly, in the hour after Obama's election was announced. And I think that many conservative whites are having the same feeling of despair. They are seeing the final goal of liberalism appear--and some of them think that it has already been reached--in the election of Obama and in the rapturous celebrations of the "new America" that Obama has wrought. That new America is one in which whites can no longer be themselves, can no longer assert themselves as whites, can no longer express the truth as they see it, but must defer to the new, nonwhite order.

That is the world that liberals want to bring into being, the world that, with their triumphalist crowing, they want to make us falsely believe has already been brought into being, so that we will offer them no further resistance.
Minorities and their supporters will carry the victim card, and the racist card, until they have a non-white majority, and then they don't need them anymore. And with a Nelson 'ha ha' it will then be open-season on whites. Welcome to South Africa. Which might partly explain why there has been a run on gun buying since Obama's election.

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