Obama will be a four year O.J. acquittal sack dance

November 04, 2008

(I think a sack dance is an American thang, a celebratory dance).

Lawrence Auster
I’ve been drawing a parallel between the possible effects of an Obama presidency and the O.J. Simpson situation at least since the Jeremiah Wright affair last March. I haven’t compared an Obama presidency to the entire Simpson trial, which was a long drag, but rather to the joyous, race-hateful reaction of blacks to the acquittal at the end of the trial and the (as it turned out, momentary) effect this had on whites’ view of blacks. Blacks justified their mass ecstasy over the acquittal of a man everyone knew was a murderer by their insistence that police are not only anti-black, but so anti-black that, in a superhumanly complicated plot, they framed the popular O.J. Simpson, a figure far more popular among whites than blacks. Both the stunning acquittal and the even more stunning black reaction to it made whites start to grasp for the first time blacks real feelings about America, about whites, about black-on-white violence, about police and so on. But this white shock was then systematically put to sleep by the media which went into overdrive portraying blacks’ joy as being equally valid in its own way as the white’s negative reaction to the black’s joy. So nothing came of the event from the point of view of advancing racial realism in the country as a whole. My point has been that an Obama presidency, by continually unleashing black racial feelings, would be like a four-year long OJ Simpson acquittal celebration, permanently awakening whites to racial realities and thus leading them to a more realistic, i.e.,non-liberal, racial politics.

(I should add, the hope is that whites will realize, not just the truth about blacks, but the truth about liberal whites, who support and encourage blacks in their destructive racial attitudes against whites. The real cultural war in America is not blacks against whites, but liberal whites against non-liberal whites (or against those whom liberal propaganda casts in that villainous role). So far, that war has only been waged in one direction. My hope is that under an Obama presidency the non-liberal whites will start to push back.) ...

This exposure of Obama is a very good thing, because it reveals to whites the attitudes and beliefs of a major part of black America. With Obama, whites thought they were getting Sidney Poitier, but it turns out they’re getting the OJ Simpson verdict--the raw reality of American-hating black America which is always there, but which whites normally refuse to see because it would upset their reverie of racial equality and comity...

Four years of Obama in the White House would be like four years of blacks dancing in the street over the OJ Simpson verdict. The white awakening would be irreversible. And if whites awoke and began to resist permanently the liberal lies about race, the lie that the races are the same, the lie that any race difference is whites’ fault for which they must forever atone, it could mean nothing less than the salvation of America...

There have been other epiphanies. The biggest one so far was set off by the behavior of blacks after the O.J. Simpson acquittal. Obama may be now be exposed as too leftist and ridiculous to be elected, but I still say that if he is elected, which will truly “liberate” the Jeremiah Wrights and the Alicia Keyes and the Michelle Obamas and raise their liberated voices to the highest level of national prominence, American life for the next four years will be one long epiphany...

... Patrick Cleburne in a ... Vdare blog entry echoes Brimelow’s comment that he “can’t wait” for an Obama presidency:
After the four-year O.J. Simpson trial the Obama White House promises to be (don’t believe me? Read Steve Sailer’s book) with its inevitable anti-white atrocities everything will change.
... An Obama presidency would be like a four-year-long O.J. Simpson acquittal sack dance by black America.

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