2007: Hills district crime blamed on mortgage stress


Whilst googling about the Richard Carruthers death (for which Marcel Halabi has been arrested) I noticed this piece of fantasy journalism from Hills News.
Sydney's Bible belt is known for its McMansions, aspirational voters and enthusiastic church-goers. But the conservative, affluent Hills district is also in the grip of a crime wave - and mortgage stress may be behind it ...

There have been five murders in the past two years; there were none in the five years before that. They include the stabbing murder of Richard Carruthers, the 36-year-old redesigner of the Olympic cauldron, in his Castle Hill home.

Three of the murders remain unsolved.
We know that certain ethnicities are over-represented in crime, and the article admits that the demographics of the area have changed. But does this fact get a mention by the genius journalist? Nope. It's aaaaall mortgage stress.

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