Richard McCulloch
Racial RightsFrom Wikipedia
The not-so-benign neglect of racial rights is a luxury humanity can ill afford if human racial diversity is to be valued and preserved. The recognition, affirmation and defense of racial rights -- particularly the primary racial rights to life and liberty, or independence -- is also a recognition, affirmation and defense of the value and importance of human life and human racial diversity. Human rights include racial rights, for races are the evolutionary branches or divisions of humanity. If the diverse races of humanity are to coexist and share the planet earth together they must first agree to recognize, affirm and defend the right of all races to exist . Humanity needs to adopt a concept of racial relations that is based on the principle of racial rights, permitting the different races to share the earth, their common home, together by assuring their secure possession of their own racially exclusive homelands or countries where they will enjoy the conditions of geographic separation and reproductive isolation required for their continued existence. The mutual agreement or understanding to adopt and practice a concept of racial relations based on the principles of racial rights and preservation, promoting both the coexistence and continued existence of the different races of humanity, is here referred to as the Racial Compact...
Separation: The Preservationist Imperative
A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation -- Abraham Lincoln, June 26, 1857In 1988 I had the opportunity to meet William Gayley Simpson, author of Which Way Western Man . At that time he was in his nineties and in declining health. He compensated for his lack of conversational endurance by distilling the essence of his thought into one very terse and pointed message: "Separate or die." Those were his last words to me, and that is fitting, for that simple phrase tells us two vitally important things. First, that racial separation is necessary for the long-term preservation of the Northern European race, the founding and still the majority American racial type, which I refer to as the Nordish race. It is a simple matter of either-or -- either racial separation or racial death. Second, that the alternative to racial destruction, the solution to the Nordish racial crisis, is racial separation. Not immigration restrictions, segregation, white supremacism or other half-measures, nor anything that need harm other races or violate their legitimate rights and interests. [Note 1] None of these things can save us. Only separation can. Separation is the preservationist imperative.
The reason separation is necessary for racial preservation is simple -- the evolution and continued existence of different races is made possible by reproductive isolation. When different populations are reproductively isolated they cannot interbreed or intermix, and consequently evolve in different directions, developing into different races with their own unique and distinct ensemble of genetic traits. Reproductive isolation requires an absence of physical contact. As a practical matter, this requires geographic separation.
The premise for Richard McCulloch's ideology is that two races inhabiting the same territory will eventually interbreed until either one of the races is assimilated into the other or they have integrated into one race thus either way causing a tragic loss in human diversity. He argues that racial mixing is ruinous to the evolution of races, because it destroys each races distinct racial character. This view comes from zoologists and Carleton S. Coon. It is on these grounds that McCulloch calls for the disintegration of the U.S. into independent, one-racial states in order to preserve racial diversity. He believes that the UN should issue a declaration in favor of the right for a racial group to secede from others, because he argues that the right to racial preservation is in fact a fundamental human right. He concludes the continued separation of races will eventually lead to speciation of the races, preventing them from mixing.It makes sense to me.
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