Study reveals Australian racist views

Sep 29 2008
Forty per cent of Australians believe some ethnic groups do not belong in the country with one in 10 having outwardly racist views, a new study shows.

NSW tops the list with racist views, but lead researcher on the project Kevin Dunn puts it down to Sydney being the focus of international migration to Australia...

NSW topped the list with 46 per cent of survey respondents saying some ethnic groups should not be in the country. The ACT had the lowest such response with 28 per cent...

"The most often-mentioned groups were Muslims or people from the Middle East."
If only those who feel Muslims don't belong here voted for parties that oppose Muslim or non-white immigration. Consistency is not a virtue, it seems.
Next in the "not belonging" list were indigenous Aboriginals followed by black Africans. In recent years, there have been an increasing number of immigrants from Sudan, Somalia and other African countries.
So Muslims and Africans are near the top of the "don't belong here" list, and they also happen to be the highest breeders. Prognosis negative...

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