Auster: What McCain hath wrought

Sept 10, 2008
Michelle Malkin, with the help of several other women, has produced an in-your-face video that expresses the ugly leftist thing the conservative movement has become as a result of the Republican party's nomination of a woman with a five month old baby to be vice president of the United States. While it doesn't use these precise words, the real message of the video is: "Don't you dare question whether a women with a five month old infant should run for vice president." Not only does the new "conservative" movement declare that there are no limits on the career choices that a mother with small children can make, it prohibits any dissent from, even any questioning of, that position.

Conservatism has morphed into leftism.

I oppose this new "conservatism" with every cell in my body. I will oppose it even if every other conservative in the world supports it.

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